LCAP Stakeholder Engagement Meetings

SCGA encourages all Counselors to attend the LCAP Stakeholder meetings to continue to advocate for the work we do which aligns to the LCAP goals to justify the LCAP support the lowering counselor caseload. Questions? Please let us know! 

The Sweetwater Union High School District is revisiting its Local Control Accountability Plan (LCAP). The purpose of this revisiting is to create a plan that brings greater clarity and focus around the direction of the school board and the superintendent.

During the month of October and into the first week of November, the Sweetwater District will host five community meetings to engage the public in the process and present the goals and objectives of the LCAP.

  • Why are we revisiting the LCAP?
    • To bring clarity of focus around the direction of new board and superintendent – this is our story of what makes Sweetwater unique, special and a great place for students to learn
    • To build upon last spring’s stakeholder engagement using a different approach
    • To communicate that we want to hear from all areas of the district as well as all stakeholder groups
    • To write the plan in a concise way that is student-centered
  • Meetings will be held in trustee areas: 5:30 – 7 pm except Oct. 29 meeting starts at 6 pm – 7:30 pm
    • October 8 – Trustee Area 1 (SUHI, GJ, NCM, NCA, CVH, CVM,) at CVM
    • October 22 – Trustee Area 2 (BVH, BVM, HH, HM, CVA, Pal. OSS) at BVM
    • October 28 – Trustee Area 3 (ELH, ELM, ORH, OLH, RDR, EHA) at ORH
    • October 29 – Trustee Area 4 (CPH, CPM, SYH, SYA) at CPH
    • November 5 – Trustee Area 5 (MoH, MoM, SoH, SoM, MVH, MVA, MoA) at MVH