Bargaining Update
April 8, 2014
Let us make this short and sweet. SCGA declared Impasse due to the district’s lack of movement in the bargaining process. We were assigned a mediator and had established a date to meet with the mediator, SUHSD and our team in March before break. Unfortunately, the mediator made a biased remark against our unit. Our leadership requested for the mediator to recuse herself and provide the bargaining team with another unbiased mediator. Another mediator was assigned. The new mediator gave several dates but the district was “only available” on two of the last dates in April: the 23th & 24th. We have communicated with the mediator and the district requesting mediation on those dates and are awaiting confirmation.
Why isn’t the district isn’t doing everything they can to settle our contract dispute? Why wait until the end of April? Is Dr. Brand panicking over a teachers ‘strike and is he desperate for substitutes?
Please make sure you save the date to attend the next school board meeting on April 21, 2014, closed session begins at 4pm and open session begins at 6pm. Think about speaking to settle our contract, or asking a community member, student or parent to speak to the services we provide and to seek a resolution to our contract.
Elvia Estrella
SCGA President