Reminder: Standards Committee Meeting tomorrow, 10/7, 8AM, at Sweetwater High's Counseling Center to discuss LCAP and LCFF! Be there!
In the meanwhile, see message below from CASC!
What are School Counselors
Doing Because of LCAP?
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Dear School Counselors,
Questions have recently arisen about the role school counselors are playing in their school district's Local Control Accountability Plan. With the state conference fast approaching, I want to put together a montage of pictures and statements that tell that story (see picture example below.) I would appreciate it if you and/or your counseling team would take a few moments to share what is happening in your school or district with me. Please email me at by October 23. Also, if you want the name of your district to be known please include that in the email or within the picture display. We will be showing these pictures and statements at our conference as well as posting them online so that other school counselors can access this valuable information and be able to take back ideas and examples to their school administrators.There are a lot of changes happening across California including some very important national news that we will be sharing with all of you in the next few weeks. I appreciate you keeping CASC in the loop with your LCAP, allowing for the communication to flow frommember to member, and allowing us to be a conduit for this method of communication.
Loretta Whitson, Ed.D
Executive Director
California Association of School Counselors
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